• Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #155 8/29/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. New posts: Covid-19 Vaccine Boosters - What You Should Know https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2021/08/23/covid-19-vaccine-boosterswhat-you-should-know/?sh=1be85e1a1b86 EpiPen: Price-Gouging of Essential Medicine https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/957169 News  An unvaxed teacher carrying the #DeltaVariant, with mild #COVID19 symptoms passed virus to 55% of students, as far away as 5 rows, while reading to…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics

    Coronavirus Tidbits #152 8/8/21

    Quick links First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. My latest posts: Probable Marburg virus in W. Africa for first time https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2021/08/06/probable-case-of-ebola-like-marburg-virus-in-guinea/?sh=6f6aed1f1373   interesting issues at play between economic development and #publichealth: Malaria Transmission in Africa Worsened by Small Dams https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/956114?src=soc_tw_share via Medscape News  Monoclonal Antibody Cocktail Authorized for Post-COVID Exposure ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Research shows many with mild COVID-19 infections still experience long-term symptoms The majority of individuals who experience mild or moderate COVID-19 infection also experience long COVID, or persistent symptoms…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics

    Coronavirus Tidbits #151 8/1/21

    Quick links First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. Politics Trumping Science Is Increasingly Disheartening https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/955487 and Summer, Saltwater, And Sickness From Vibrio Untreatable, Drug-Resistant Fungus (C. auris) Found in Texas and Washington, DC   News  New Covid cases reported on July 23, 2020 => 70,006 New Covid cases reported on July 23, 2021 => 81,732 ~  ~ ~ Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Vermont & Florida have banned schools from requiring masks. #Texas passed #NewYork in #COVID19 deaths ~ ~ ~ ~ ~…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #149 7/18/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. Important post by me on hospital visitation here: in Forbes, -please share: Hospitals Separating Patients And Families Due To Covid-19 Causes Needless Suffering also Even ID Specialists Can Get Tick-borne Diseases in Medscape News  Huge study supporting #Ivermectin as #Covid19 treatment withdrawn over ethical…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits # 147 7/4/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. News  This is a huge story. An Australian virologist at WIV in late 2019 notes:-no sick employees at WIV-best-practice biosafety protocols in place-did not witness GoF work which she's qualified to recognizeLab leak odds just got even longer.https://t.co/LKrQe9H3N2— Dr. Angela Rasmussen (@angie_rasmussen) June…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #146 6/27/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. ~ ~ ~ My interview with Robert Herriman/Outbreak News Today on Mucormycosis: What Is Behind The Deadly Rise In Mucormycosis Infections In India? http://outbreaknewstoday.com/india-reports-surge-of-mucormycosis-cases-what-do-we-know-and-not-know-87358/ News  Another thoughtful and scary analysis from @zeynep: Where Did the Coronavirus Come From? What We Already Know Is…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #145 6/20/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. News  More than 70% of COVID-19 patients experience at least one persistent symptom for at least 60 days, according to the results of a systematic review recently published in JAMA Network Open. https://www.healio.com/news/infectious-disease/20210610/more-than-70-of-covid19-patients-experience-at-least-one-persistent-symptom ~ ~ ~ Nearly one-fifth of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients went on…

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