Coronavirus Tidbits #166 11/14/21
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. New post: Covid Vaccine Equity, G20 And Moderna https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2021/11/13/covid-vaccine-equity-g20-and-moderna/?sh=7f61c64238e4 News Almost 80% of Americans believe or are unsure about at least one Covid falsehood https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/poll-finding/kff-covid-19-vaccine-monitor-media-and-misinformation/?utm_source= ~ ~ ~ Germany joins France and others to advise against Moderna vaccine for people under 30 Germany’s…
Coronavirus Tidbits #143 6/6/21
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. My latest posts: Dengue Vaccine: Takeda Reports Promising Results. My latest for Medscape https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/952476 ~ ~ ~ There is a fascinating and tragic mystery unfolding in India: What Is Behind The Deadly Rise In Mucormycosis Infections In India? https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2021/06/03/murder-mystery-what-is-behind-the-deadly-rise-in-mucormycosis-infections-in-india/?sh=5b51a115f13c News Prior COVID-19 infection…
Coronavirus Tidbits #117 1/31/21
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. News Mutations: Regeneron announced that its antibody cocktail (casirivimab and imdevimab) is effective against both the U.K. (B.1.1.7) and South African variant (B.1.351). But scientists say the coronavirus variant from Brazil (P.1) may be the most worrisome. Here’s why. (NPR) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~…
Coronavirus Tidbits #101 12-6-20
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. My latest post on Forbes: The People’s Vaccine—Moderna’s Coronavirus Vaccine Was Largely Funded By Taxpayer Dollars https://bit.ly/37xBK14 News Good overview: How key decisions slowed FDA’s review of a Covid-19 vaccine — but also gave it important data …“It takes a few months usually…
Coronavirus Tidbits #97 11/22/20
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. News ‘People are going to die’: Hospitals in half the states are facing a massive staffing shortage as Covid-19 surges STAT By OLIVIA GOLDHILL @OliviaGoldhill NOVEMBER 19, 2020 Hospitals in at least 25 states are critically short of nurses, doctors, and other staff as coronavirus cases surge…
- Coronavirus - Covid19, Drug development, Infectious disease, Medicine, Medicine & Politics, Public health
Coronavirus Tidbits #89 10/7/20 COVITA special
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. News Trump rollercoaster includes hospitalization at Walter Reed, Rx w Remdesivir, Regeneron's monoclonal antibody (made with embryonic tissue). Decadron was added--that's given for folks w pneumonia and is not consistent w "mild" disease. No mention of Hydroxychloroquine. Decadron can cause agitation, delirium, etc...it can…
Coronavirus Tidbits #82 9/13/20
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. ~ ~ ~ We're coming up on the anniversary of the birth of my book, Resilience: One Family's Story... I began furiously writing it in 2016 because of the divisiveness and hate-mongering, as a warning to wear that would lead...and here we are, with…
Coronavirus Tidbits #73 8/13/20
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Tidbits will likely be a bit shorter and a little less frequent for the next little bit. I have been immersed in it and I need to spend a little more time on self-care, which for me means seeing the spring flowers emerge and digging in the dirt. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so…
- Coronavirus - Covid19, Drug development, Infectious disease, Medicine, Medicine & Politics, Public health, Social justice
Coronavirus Tidbits #60 6/24/20
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Tidbits will likely be a bit shorter and a little less frequent for the next little bit. I have been immersed in it and I need to spend a little more time on self-care, which for me means seeing the spring flowers emerge and digging in the dirt. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so…
- Coronavirus - Covid19, Infectious disease, Medicine, Medicine & Politics, Public health, Social justice
Coronavirus Tidbits #59 6/20/20
Quick links News   Diagnostics   Drugs  Devices  Epidemiology/Infection control   Tips   Politics   Feel good du jour   Comic relief   Perspective/Poem   Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Tidbits will likely be a bit shorter and a little less frequent for the next little bit. I have been immersed in it and I need to spend a little more time on self-care, which for me means seeing the spring flowers emerge and digging in the dirt. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so…