• Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics

    Coronavirus Tidbits #184 3/20/22

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. New Posts: Aerosolized Hydrogen Peroxide Can Significantly Reduce C. difficile Infections https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/970559 ~ ~ ~ Politicians Overrule Board of Health’s Medical Officer https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/970093   News  China, Hong Kong cases climb In global COVID news, China today reported 4,130 new cases today, 1,742 listed as asymptomatic, with the…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #179 2/13/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. New posts: Bans On Mask Mandates To Protect Against Covid Endanger Students With Disabilities https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2022/02/06/bans-on-mask-mandates-to-protect-against-covid-endanger-students-with-disabilities/?sh=67b5d02d6d2f   News  Omicron news: A coronavirus variant once helped the global pork industry. Could one protect us? A killer pig virus vanished when a tamer mutant evolved—a provocative,…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #172 12/26/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. New Posts: Let’s Stop Hand Hygiene Theater and Focus on Airborne Transmission https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/965238 News  See What to do if newly infected, under Tips, below: ~ ~ ~ Desperate times re HCW staffing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Omicron is more contagious and…

  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus #157 9/12/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. News  Kids and COVID: why young immune systems are still on top Innate immunity might be the key to why children have fared better with the virus. But the Delta variant poses fresh unknowns. Early last year, children’s hospitals across New York City…

  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #155 8/29/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. New posts: Covid-19 Vaccine Boosters - What You Should Know https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2021/08/23/covid-19-vaccine-boosterswhat-you-should-know/?sh=1be85e1a1b86 EpiPen: Price-Gouging of Essential Medicine https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/957169 News  An unvaxed teacher carrying the #DeltaVariant, with mild #COVID19 symptoms passed virus to 55% of students, as far away as 5 rows, while reading to…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics

    Coronavirus Tidbits #154 8/22/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. News  How does COVID-19 affect the brain? A troubling picture emerges. large portion of COVID-19 patients—possibly as high as 30 percent, according an estimate from the National Institutes of Health—who suffer some type of neurological or psychiatric symptoms...“The big surprise was the people who…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics

    Coronavirus Tidbits #151 8/1/21

    Quick links First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. Politics Trumping Science Is Increasingly Disheartening https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/955487 and Summer, Saltwater, And Sickness From Vibrio Untreatable, Drug-Resistant Fungus (C. auris) Found in Texas and Washington, DC   News  New Covid cases reported on July 23, 2020 => 70,006 New Covid cases reported on July 23, 2021 => 81,732 ~  ~ ~ Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Vermont & Florida have banned schools from requiring masks. #Texas passed #NewYork in #COVID19 deaths ~ ~ ~ ~ ~…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics

    Coronavirus Tidbits #148 7/11/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. News  Long Covid: Persistent symptoms in adult patients one year after COVID-19: a prospective cohort study  Jessica Seeßle, et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciab611, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciab611 Background Long COVID is defined as the persistence of symptoms beyond 3 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. To better understand…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #145 6/20/21

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. News  More than 70% of COVID-19 patients experience at least one persistent symptom for at least 60 days, according to the results of a systematic review recently published in JAMA Network Open. https://www.healio.com/news/infectious-disease/20210610/more-than-70-of-covid19-patients-experience-at-least-one-persistent-symptom ~ ~ ~ Nearly one-fifth of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients went on…

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  • Coronavirus - Covid19,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #123 2/21/20

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that. Texans Need Help: Want to volunteer? I’v been working through Beto’s Powered by People to match people in need of water, food, heat, with local resources. They have a spreadsheet of people and their needs. Volunteers are calling them and then trying to…

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