• Coronavirus - Covid19,  Drug development,  Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits #78 8/30/20

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs    Devices    Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Announcements: First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting. Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that. News  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/28/us/politics/joe-biden-trump-conventions.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage ~ ~ ~ Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) informed congressional intelligence committees that it will cease to provide in-person briefings on foreign interference with the 2020 elections...They will only provide written notices. ~ ~ ~ The Kenosha shooter…

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  • Infectious disease,  Medicine,  Medicine & Politics,  Public health

    Coronavirus Tidbits # 24 3-30-20

    Quick links News     Diagnostics     Drugs     Epidemiology/Infection control     Tips     Politics    Feel good du jour     Comic relief     Perspective/Poem     Bits of beauty Coronavirus Tidbits #24   News: My new post How Much Should You Worry About Your Pets? A Cat Was Confirmed To Be Infected With COVID19 By Its Owner ~ ~ ~ From Orban to Kaczynski, Wannabe Autocrats Love the Pandemic In Hungary and Poland — as in Israel and elsewhere — liberty suddenly seems cheap. Even in a pandemic, it shouldn’t be. bloomberg.com Hungarian legislature adopted an “empowerment law” (which sounds very much like the 1930’s “enabling act” which led to Hitler’s rise. Orban can now rule by decree, with…