Coronavirus Tidbits #88 10/4/20 Rose Garden Superspreader special
First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting.
Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that.
I witnessed a Cleveland Clinic doctor remind Trump's guests to wear a mask, even offering them surgical ones on the off chance they didn't have one. None of them put on a mask.
— Marianna Sotomayor (@MariannaNBCNews) October 2, 2020
The doctor looked frustrated as she stepped away, prompting a staffer to say, "That’s all you can do.”
In Cleveland, wearing a mask in nonresidential indoor spaces is required
Also, Three White House journalists tested positive for COVID-19 today (10/2) per WHCA president @ZekeJMiller....11 cases stemming from pre-debate planning and set-up as of 8 pm, 10/2
WH announcing Trump's Covid and going to Walter Reed 4 years to the day that Trump mocks Hillary Clinton over her pneumonia outbreak
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Timeline of Trump's Covid:
This means: Trump was infected (and likely knew and hid that when he debated Biden in Cleveland, exposing the Bidens (among many) to Covid)
Positive Weds and does not tell Biden, Pelosi, or staff.
Attorney General Barr "chooses not" (aka refuses) to quarantine despite possible exposure to Covid-19 and visits an Indian tribe in Oklahoma.
Pence ignores quarantine and plans big rally in AZ
Ron Johnson tests positive but goes to Oktoberfest fundraiser.
Amy Coney Barrett ignores quarantine recs; also sends her children, who attended the Rose Garden cesspool, back to school
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As of 8 pm 10/3, those in the White House circle testing positive include:
Kellyanne Conway, Sen Thom Tillis, Sen Mike Lee, Notre Dame president
(There are more this am)
Chris Christie-- who checked into a hospital "out of an abundance of caution," giving a big FU to all the people who were seriously ill and symptomatic but denied hospitalization.
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“Without Jennifer Jacobs, a dogged Bloomberg reporter who broke the story about Hicks’s illness, the world might still be in the dark about the sickness sweeping through the West Wing and the highest levels of our government. “
— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) October 3, 2020
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Growing deception...will we even be told promptly if Trump dies?
The photos released by the WH tonight of the president working at Walter Reed were taken 10 minutes apart at 5:25:59 pm and 5:35:40 pm ET Saturday, according to the EXIF data embedded in both @AP wire postings that were shared by the White House this evening.
— Jon Ostrower (@jonostrower) October 4, 2020
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Amazon reveals over 19,000 workers got COVID-19
— WKRG (@WKRG) October 2, 2020
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A new study analyzing 38 million articles finds the ‘single largest driver’ of false information about the pandemic is Donald Trump
— Dr. Seema Yasmin (@DoctorYasmin) October 1, 2020
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Humans do not develop long-lasting immunity to seasonal coronaviruses
according to a longitudinal serology study finds.
This suggests that COVID-19 will be with us for the long haul as a seasonal infection, and we will require annual immunization... which means, the documented cases of reinfection we have seen so far are the leading edge of what is likely to be a wave of reinfections during February-April of 2021.
To help Donald Trump get the full COVID-19 experience, let’s make sure he loses his job and is evicted from his home next month.
— Jordan Zakarin (@jordanzakarin) October 2, 2020
still an incredible, negligent lack of accurate testing.
"The White House in March began using rapid tests made by Abbott Laboratories. The tests produce results in five to 13 minutes, but in a study earlier this year they missed a third of the positive samples identified by another brand. The tests also missed 48 percent of cases when they were not conducted with nasopharyngeal swabs that penetrate deeply into the nasal passages.
Another negative HCQ trial, this time as pre-exposure prophylaxis in HCW
— Tim Lahey (@TimLaheyMD) October 1, 2020
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NEW memo from the White House physician on Trump's condition.
— Niall Stanage (@NiallStanage) October 2, 2020
"Fatigued but in good spirits." Taking an "antibody cocktail."
White House Objects to FDA Plans on Authorizing Covid-19 Vaccine
Thomas M. Burton, The Wall Street Journal, October 3, 2020
Senior White House officials have raised objections to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s proposed standards for deciding whether a Covid-19 vaccine should be given widely and don’t appear likely to sign off on the agency’s guidelines, people familiar with the matter said.
In talks with the FDA in recent days, White House officials expressed a number of concerns about the draft guidelines, including a proposal that would require researchers to monitor study subjects for side effects for two months after getting a shot, the people said.
The disagreement could put the administration on a collision course with the FDA over whether and when to authorize use of a Covid-19 vaccine, once the late-stage trials that are testing the shots start providing data—perhaps in as little as a few weeks—on how the injections are performing.
The White House could drop its objections and permit the FDA to publish its guidelines, the people said. Yet so far in talks, administration officials haven’t indicated they would approve the FDA’s proposal or seek to resolve concerns.
A White House spokesperson declined to comment.
Masks and Distancing work - Rose Garden edition
7 people have now tested positive for coronavirus, after attending Amy Coney Barrett superspreader event in the Rose Garden. 1:Trump, 2: Melania, 3: Univ of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, 4: Sen Mike Lee, 5: Sen Thom Tillis,
— ☇RiotWomenn☇ (@riotwomennn) October 3, 2020
6: Kellyanne Conway & Hope Hicks (not pictured)
Epidemiology/Infection control:
There is good reason to think that a mini-outbreak of #SARSCoV2 occured on Sept. 26 @WhiteHouse Rose Garden SCOTUS nomination of #AmyConeyBarrett . So far nine people who attended have tested +, including 4 who all sat in 1st 3 rows & 3 reporters. - Laurie Garrett
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Given that prominent GOP are refusing to quarantine at all, let alone the 14 days recommended, here's a recap fr LA Times:
How long it takes for symptoms to begin
It takes a median of four to five days for symptoms of COVID-19 to begin following a person’s exposure to the coronavirus, although, generally speaking, it can take as long as 14 days.
However, a significant proportion of people who are infected — perhaps as much as 45% — never develop any symptoms, researchers say.
What should I do if I think I'm infected?
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or you’ve been in close contact with someone who has it, the CDC recommends that you get a coronavirus test. Until you get your test results, you should assume you are infected. That means staying at home as much as possible so that you don’t risk infecting others. Of course, if you’re having a medical emergency, don’t be afraid to call 911.
How long it takes for coronavirus tests to detect infection
It can take roughly five to seven days for a coronavirus infection to trigger a positive test result, according to Dr. Otto Yang, an infectious disease specialist at UCLA.
Getting tested too early after a person is exposed to the coronavirus can yield a negative test result, even though the virus has entered the body and has started to replicate.
It can take time for the virus to reproduce to levels high enough in the body to be picked up by a test.
“A single negative test does not mean you will remain negative at any time point after that test,” the CDC says.
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There are more cases of Covid in the White House than in all of New Zealand
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Mississippi COVID milestone:
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) October 2, 2020
1 out of every 1,000 residents dead.
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Notre Dame launched a site for students to snitch on each other for COVID-19 violations.
— Andrew Goldstein DEEP CANVASSING GETS VOTES (@AndrewMakeTweet) October 2, 2020
Instead, they awesomely have used it to report the university president for shaking hands and not wearing a mask at the White House, demanding his resignation.
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Nice #Dataviz of the Covid emanating from the White House:
Tips, general reading for public:
Wash your hands.
Rinse and repeat.
America in 2020. Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
— Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) October 2, 2020
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Trump and Republicans held a mask-less, crowded, superspreader event at the White House in order to jam through a Supreme Court justice who may strike down the Affordable Care Act in the middle of a pandemic.
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) October 3, 2020
Doesn’t get more on brand than that.
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A Biden campaign official confirmed to NBC News that the campaign is pulling all of its negative advertising from their rotation of paid media. (10/2)...only a bit later, Trump campaign indicates it will not join @JoeBiden in pulling negative ads and has sent out more tonight (10/2). Per Daniel Dale, this includes "a fundraising email saying Biden is “probably already asleep in his basement.”
Joe Biden: "This cannot be a partisan moment. It must be an American moment. We have to come together as a nation. I'm running as a Democrat, but I [will] govern as an American president. Whether you voted for me or against me, I will represent you."
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The ad that Barrett signed her name to was actually a two-page spread in the South Bend Tribune, and the full ad specifically calls for "an end to the barbaric legacy of Roe v. Wade".
— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) October 1, 2020
This is as clear a position as you'll ever see from a judicial nominee.
Here is the full ad:
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Full Melania Trump video: “They said, ‘Oh what about the children that were separated?’ Give me a fucking break.”
— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) October 2, 2020
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New favorite ad
— Santiago Mayer (@santiagomayer_) October 1, 2020
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Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) October 3, 2020
Tommy Tuberville is a QUITTER.
Do better, Alabama: RE-ELECT Doug Jones!
Feel good du jour:
this is the only pot-o-gold i want
— Humor And Animals (@humorandanimals) October 2, 2020
(waterfrontgoldens IG)
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Tough story...but again shows #resilience
— Judy Stone (@DrJudyStone) October 3, 2020
Comic relief:
The manuscript draft before and after you share it with your supervisor. @AcademicChatter #phdchat
— natalia barbour, ph.d. (@natalia_barbour) September 28, 2020
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A group of people ignore a beloved woman’s dying wish and rush to take advantage of her death.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) October 3, 2020
They hold an event to announce their corrupt plan...
...and then one by one they start falling ill.
Gotta admit, it’s all very Stephen King.
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Vote for the guy who has been married for 43 years, carries his son’s rosary in his pocket, calls his grandkids every day, is still able to smile after two earth-shattering family tragedies, wants to be everyone’s President, fights for equality, and believes in justice for all.
— Mohamad Safa (@mhdksafa) September 30, 2020
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1) This is a very wise and perceptive piece by @AdamSerwer in @TheAtlantic
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) October 2, 2020
2) Please note how many “thoughtful” or “family-values” senior GOP leaders have spoken up post-debate to express similar humane-instincts concerns.
My count so far is zero.
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"Ruth Bader Ginsburg is going to be replaced by a woman who walked through every door that Ginsburg opened for her so she can use her position to shut them all for others behind her."
Bits of beauty: