Coronavirus Tidbits #162 10/17/21
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News Diagnostics Drugs Devices Epidemiology/Infection control Tips Politics Feel good du jour Comic relief Perspective/Poem Bits of beauty
First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I’m getting.
Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don’t be shy about that.
Recent articles:
Transparency in Communications Is Essential for Trust
A few days ago, my local hospital announced it was on “diversion.” The “explanation” from UPMC was cryptic and unsatisfying. The hospital diverted ambulances to other communities more than 75 minutes away over mountain roads. ~ ~ ~
First Drug for Dengue Found to Be Effective in Mice
Researchers at KU Leuven Rega Institute and Center for Drug Design and Discovery (CD3), Leuven, Belgium, have identified a new target for treating dengue in collaboration with Jannsen Pharmaceutica, NV. As reported in Nature, the antiviral compound showed strong activity in mice for prophylaxis against dengue and for treatment of the infection. Dengue is a viral infection acquired through the bite of an Aedes mosquito.
COVID lesson: trust the public with hard truths
When governments assume that people will panic, that exacerbates the pandemic.
Nature Michael Bang Petersen
Of the many fears during the pandemic, one has been particularly pernicious: governments’ fear of their people. Former US president Donald Trump admitted to playing down the risks of the coronavirus to “reduce panic”. Jair Bolsonaro, president of Brazil, blamed the press for causing “hysteria”. The UK government delayed its lockdown, fearing the British population would rapidly become fatigued by restrictions. And, in my home country of Denmark, the authorities tried not to draw public attention to pandemic preparations in early 2020, to avoid “unnecessary fear”.
But Denmark pivoted to a strategy of trusting its citizens with hard truths. The buy-in that ensued led to low death rates and laid the groundwork for a vaccination rate of 95% for everyone aged above 50 (and 75% for the population in general). In September 2021, my country announced that COVID-19 is no longer classified as a “critical threat”.
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In search for covid origins, Hubei caves and wildlife farms draw new scrutiny
— Judy Stone (@DrJudyStone) October 11, 2021
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Hey US friends, you’ve probably noticed a lot of grocery shelf shortages again.
— T. Thorn Coyle (@ThornCoyle) October 10, 2021
Please remember to not buy WIC marked items unless you absolutely must. Folks using WIC benefits to buy food cannot switch to another brand or type. #WIC
A new way to prevent COVID-related clots and a biomarker that spots who’s at highest risk
Moderately ill patients hospitalized after a COVID diagnosis and who had elevated blood levels of a protein known as d-dimer, were at especially high risk for dangerous clots. Treating these patients with a high-dose of the blood thinner called low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) significantly reduced the potential for clot formation and death.
Drugs and Vaccines
A primer on what we know about mixing and matching Covid vaccines
STAT By Helen Branswell
Later this week an expert committee that advises the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will hear about the results of a clinical trial that could influence how Covid vaccines are used in this country at some point in the future. The trial, conducted by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is a so-called mix-and-match trial, testing the Covid vaccines authorized in the U.S. in combinations with each other.
The goal of the trial was to see whether using a different vaccine as a booster shot improves protection. So does getting a dose of Pfizer vaccine after getting a single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine trigger production of more antibodies than a second dose of the J&J would? Are the messenger RNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna virtually interchangeable, or does switching even there produce a broader set of immune responses?
This isn’t theoretical. The booster shot most vaccinated Americans are in the process of getting or booking may not be the last needed.
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WHO advisers recommend 3rd COVID vaccine dose for highest-risk groups
World Health Organization (WHO) vaccine advisers met last week to discuss and weigh in on several vaccine issues, including a recommendation that people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised receive a third COVID-19 vaccine dose.
Vaccine-related developments
The group, called the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE), said people in the immunocompromised groups should be offered an additional dose in the vaccine series, since they are less likely to respond adequately to vaccination with the standard series and are at high risk for severe disease.
WHO leaders have previously urged countries to postpone broader use of booster doses to free up more vaccine for countries that had much less access to supplies.
SAGE said its third-dose recommendation applies to all vaccines that the WHO has approved for emergency use. They include Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca-Oxford, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Sinopharm, and Sinovac.
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To Boost or Not to Boost After COVID?
– In those with “hybrid immunity,” booster could be helpful but probably not necessary, experts say
[This is after natural infection and vax x 2.]
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The benefit of the Pfizer boosters across all age groups (vs infections in 16+, vs severe disease 40+), presented @US_FDA today as background for consideration of other vaccine boosters
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) October 14, 2021
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Molnupiravir Hype Illustrates America’s Failure to Prioritize Prevention
– Vaccination remains the best tool to combat the virus
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FDA advisers all voted to recommend the authorization of a Johnson & Johnson booster
— NPR Health News (@NPRHealth) October 15, 2021
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BREAKING: FDA advisors vote 19-0 to endorse Moderna booster for the same groups as they previously gave authorization for Pfizer (65+, or 18+ with high risk due to occupational exposure or medical condition). Note that this is for a half dose compared to original vaccine.
— Leana Wen, M.D. (@DrLeanaWen) October 14, 2021
Detailed review on Masks
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‘Astounding’ new study shows using a pulse oximeter saves COVID patients’ lives
When my daughter returned to school this fall, I sent a care package that was perfect for a college student living through a pandemic. It included cookies, a coffee mug – and a pulse oximeter.
A pulse oximeter is a small device that clips on your finger and measures your blood oxygen levels. Even though my daughter and her friends are all vaccinated against COVID-19, I wanted her to have the device handy just in case she got a breakthrough infection.
Many people first learned about a pulse oximeter in the early days of the pandemic, after doctors warned that some patients with COVID-19 develop a form of oxygen deprivation called “silent hypoxia,” which occurs when blood oxygen levels drop so slowly that a patient doesn’t notice anything is wrong. Often these patients are so ill by the time they get to the hospital that they need to be put on a ventilator.
New research from South Africa shows that using a pulse oximeter to check oxygen levels after a COVID diagnosis really does save lives. For the study, 8,115 high-risk patients were given a pulse oximeter to use at home after COVID-19 was diagnosed. The study focused on the highest-risk patients, including older people, those who were pregnant or those with chronic illnesses like heart disease, hypertension or diabetes.
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In particular, scroll to point 9 (CO2 monitoring) on the #CDC page on Ventilation in Buildings under their COVID guidance. “If unable to get below 800 ppm, increased reliance on enhanced air filtration (including HEPA air cleaners) will be necessary.”
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In 120 seconds, my daughters teach our schools to build a #CorsiRosenthalBox air filter for less than $100. Thank you @CorsIAQ & @JimRosenthal4 & our nations air experts. The kids are taking charge of making our schools healthy.
— Bill Hayward (@HaywardScoreCEO) October 11, 2021
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— Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston #HerdWasALie (@jmcrookston) October 9, 2021
I was fed up with not having these in one place. so I set aside 30 minutes and, voila. I present this to you.
Entirely free. No Patreon required.
This is not all of the reviews, just the top ones. I likely missed some.
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Epidemiology/Infection control:
The number of new Covid-19 cases in children remains “exceptionally high,” with 148,222 cases reported in the week ending October 7, according to data from the American Academy of Pediatrics published Monday. Children represented nearly a quarter of weekly reported Covid-19 cases, the AAP said. ~ ~ ~
New @JAMAPediatrics and @CDCgov study reveals heartbreaking pandemic. For every 4 #COVID19 deaths, 1 child is left without a parent or caregiver, and children from racial/ethnic minority groups are disproportionately affected. Learn more:
— CDC OMHHE (@CDCHealthEquity) October 12, 2021
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Healthcare has lost more than half a million workers since February 2020, mainly in nursing and residential facilities. (Becker’s Hospital Review)
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If states were countries, here is the global ranking of reported covid deaths per capita:
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) October 14, 2021
1. Peru
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Mississippi
4. North Macedonia
5. Montenegro
6. Bulgaria
7. New Jersey
8. Hungary
9. Louisiana
10. Alabama
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…the chance of a vaccinated person needing hospital care from a ‘post vaccine’ infection is 0.008 percent, and the chance of death is only 0.002 percent. With MaBs, oral antivirals on the horizon we are de-fanging COVID @drlucymcbride
— Daniel Griffin MD PhD (@DanielGriffinMD) October 10, 2021
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I've started to hear cases of people who got COVID twice – who recovered the 1st time, but got #LongCovid the 2nd.
— Hannah Davis (ON HIATUS FOR JANUARY) (@ahandvanish) October 12, 2021
This is in line with everything we know about infectious-onset conditions. The body cannot sustain hit after hit to the immune system without consequences.
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Interesting case history: The team found #SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the cerebrospinal fluid of a woman (via RT-PCR) who was hospitalized w/ headache, dizziness, anxiety, palpitations, diarrhea + panic attacks 114 days after an initial asymptomatic case of COVID-19:
— Amy Proal, PhD (@microbeminded2) October 12, 2021
Tips, general reading for public:
Wash your hands.
Rinse and repeat.
On Monday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order to ban Texas entities from requiring a COVID-19 vaccination of anyone, including employees or customers.
— WFAA (@wfaa) October 11, 2021
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Prompted by Abbott primary challenger, Texas agency removed webpage with suicide hotline, other resources for LGBTQ youth
— Houston Chronicle (@HoustonChron) October 12, 2021
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Florida and Texas in a real dead heat here for sociopathic use of government power.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) October 12, 2021
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It has been challenging for my family and I appreciate this overwhelming support after addressing something I felt pressured to speak about tonight.
— Jennifer Jenkins Brevard School Board (@JenkinsBrevard) October 13, 2021
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Tech billionaire Peter Thiel backing challengers to Republicans who supported Trump's impeachment
— Raw Story (@RawStory) October 13, 2021
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BREAKING: Parents of masked children who caught COVID in school from unmasked classmates file HUGE lawsuit against the districts that ended mask mandates for violating their kids’ 14th Amendment right to be protected from “state-created danger.” RT IF YOU SUPPORT THEIR LAWSUITS!
— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) October 12, 2021
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Opinion | Why the Nobel Peace Prize award is a huge blow to Facebook
— Judy Stone (@DrJudyStone) October 11, 2021
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The 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics is awarded, in part, to an economist who proved:
— Louise Erskine (@jeez_louiseee) October 11, 2021
1. Raising the minimum wage does not negatively affect employment rates,
2. Immigrant workers do not depress the wages of native-born workers.
So we can stop touting those labour myths now.
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A Texas OB-GYN recently had to tell a woman that her fetus had anencephaly — a condition where the baby doesn't have a brain. It's always fatal, and patients are typically given the option to terminate.
— NPR (@NPR) October 2, 2021
Except now the state's law prohibits it.
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EXCLUSIVE: Eric Clapton isn't just spouting vaccine nonsense. He's bankrolling anti-vaxx protesters.
— Noah Shachtman (@NoahShachtman) October 11, 2021
One of a bunch of WTF moments in @RollingStone's investigation into Clapton's long journey on the fringe, including some shockingly racist episodes.
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Chiropractors Lead Anti-Vax Charge
An Associated Press investigation found that chiropractors are leading the charge on COVID-19 misinformation by organizing, protesting, and spreading anti-vaccine falsehoods — even selling Facebook ads and leading groups that have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for anti-vaccine political causes.
Some chiropractors have long been involved in movements for “freedom of choice” and one chiropractic association took a public stance that questioned vaccinations. Among medical professionals in Oregon (the state tracks data on healthcare provider vaccinations), chiropractors were the least likely of any licensed health professional to have been vaccinated for COVID-19, at just 58%.
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There are roughly a million qualified immigrant workers waiting to get visas to work in the United States.
— Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion) October 15, 2021
About 80,000 green cards will go to waste if Congress doesn’t act soon
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Joe Manchin earns millions from his coal company
— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@QasimRashid) October 16, 2021
Manchin's son earns millions from his coal company
Manchin's daughter earns millions as CEO of a pharma corp that jacked up EpiPen prices
And to protect their future millions—Manchin is blocking the BBB plan. Reckless corruption
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Elijah McClain Death: Cops and Paramedics Charged With Homicide | Vice
— (((kath2cats))) (@kath2cats) October 15, 2021
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This case is a tragedy. Not only has this woman suffered the trauma of pregnancy loss, she was jailed during COVID & convicted of a crime without basis in law or science. Read our statement about the troubling trend we are documenting in Oklahoma: (2/2)
— National Advocates for Pregnant Women (@NAPW) October 13, 2021
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Spot on:
— David Cay Johnston (@DavidCayJ) October 13, 2021
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— name cannot be blank (@squeak8520) October 13, 2021
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Who favors gov’t drug price negotiations:
— KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation) (@KFF) October 12, 2021
▪️ 91% of Democrats
▪️ 85% of independents
▪️ 76% of Republicans
▪️ 84% of seniors
Hearing arguments for/against the idea doesn’t move opinion much, but share of GOP who "strongly favor" it dipped from 44%➡️28%.
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Every day in NYC, undercover NYPD dress up in costumes & act like they struggle w/ substance use. Approach people outside treatment centers. Offer a tip or a hit if they help them find drugs. After directing them to dealer, they’re arrested. Charged w/ sale. Face 12 years.
— Scott Hechinger (@ScottHech) October 11, 2021
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Andrew McCabe, a former FBI deputy director who was fired under Donald Trump, won back his pension and other benefits after settling a lawsuit against the Justice Department in which he asserted that he was dismissed for political reasons.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) October 14, 2021
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Surprise! Dozens of police officers in Oregon have been paying dues to the Oath Keepers militia that stormed the Capitol.
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) October 16, 2021
It's always the people you most suspect.
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I instructed my financial advisor to sell all my shares of @ATT stock. He says his firm received the same request from many other clients. AT&T played a key role in founding OAN and they remain a crucial revenue stream for the far-right conspiracy network.
— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) October 12, 2021
When you see @CNN attacking Biden, don’t forget, they are owned by @ATT, which OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr. testified that AT&T executives were the ones who told him to launch the network.
I don’t support those that support undermining our democracy. AT&T contributes to politicians who support insurrection and disenfranchisement, and also bankrolls OAN. #HangUpOnATT
The CEO of @ATT is #JohnStankey Email him at OR They fund #OAN that promote and have promoted Vaccine Lies, #ElectionFraud lies, and supported the #CapitolCoup
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More than 3 days since it was revealed that @ATT funds 90% of OAN and they haven’t even sent a single tweet.
— (@MeidasTouch) October 10, 2021
Weird for a company that specializes in communications, don’t you think?
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How are anti-vaxxers going to deny this is a swastika when they’ve worn yellow stars of David and have been comparing vaccine mandates to the Holocaust for months now? Pick a lane, folks.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) October 14, 2021
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A school administrator in Southlake, Texas, advised teachers last week that if they have a book about the Holocaust in their classroom, they should also have a book with an “opposing” perspective. Listen to the audio recording obtained by @NBCNews:
So the holocaust now has been reduced to an opinion?
— Carlos E. Gates (@CarlosEGates1) October 15, 2021
Shame on you @GovAbbott and @GOPLeader
Secret audio reveals teachers being asked to offer 'opposing perspectives' to the Holocaust
Feel good du jour:
Thank you, Henrietta Lacks!
— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) October 13, 2021
Today @DrTedros honoured Henrietta Lacks posthumously with a WHO Director-General’s award, acknowledging her story – one of inequity – and recognizing her world-changing legacy to science and health
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Free food, no questions asked: Community fridges are popping up everywhere to help those who don't have enough to eat.
— AJ+ (@ajplus) October 14, 2021
(with @yelmjouie)
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It’s crazy how life works sometimes. I get to work with my mom, at the same hospital in the same department. She has been a janitor here for 18 years. She raised a Latina physician in the making! Thank you ama, I am so proud to be your daughter! #MedTwitter @LatinasInMed
— Johana Peña (@JohanaYPena) October 9, 2021
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A wildlife park in Spain welcomed a baby Bornean orangutan, exciting visitors and conservationists alike. The species is critically endangered as Bornean orangutan populations have declined by more than 50% over the last 60 years, largely due to habitat destruction.
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) October 12, 2021
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Clever librarians. You don’t have to ask.
— Tara Lazar's BLOOP is out now! (@taralazar) October 11, 2021
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The winning images in this year's Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition have been released. A riveting underwater shot took home the top prize.
— CNN (@CNN) October 13, 2021
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This diver caught an adorable moment on video when a wild grey seal swam up and hugged him underwater. Ben Burville says he has been scuba diving in that area of the North Sea for nearly 20 years, and has become very familiar with the local seals as a result.
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) October 14, 2021
Comic relief:
Someone needs to give this woman an honorary Urology degree because no one does such a clean, precise orchiectomy like our Ms. Psaki.
— Andrea R MD (@AndreaR9Md) October 12, 2021
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branch manager and assistant branch manager
— Humor And Animals (@humorandanimals) October 11, 2021
(poddaroz_weimeraner IG)
Sometimes the most valuable thing you can offer someone is not an answer, but a presence in their vast continent of loneliness.
— A.M. (@bhalomanush) October 14, 2021
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Would you take the stairs?
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden_) October 10, 2021
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Joy Harjo is America's first Native American Poet Laureate. #IndigenousPeoplesDay2021 #IndigenousPeoplesDay
— Victoria Brownworth #VoteInPAandNJandVA (@VABVOX) October 11, 2021