Coronavirus Tidbits #314, September 29, 2024


First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting.

Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that.

Latest post:

Metformin vs. Paxlovid:


Estimating a "lull" the 1st week of November, but at an alarming 850k daily infections in the U.S.

Mike Hoerger: 9/23 Expect about 29 million infections in the U.S. over the next month if the model holds.

In a classroom of 30-35 people, there's about a 50% chance at least one person is infectious if weak/no isolation policies.

Transmission is higher than during 80% of the pandemic.

1.1 million daily COVID infections; 1 in 45 actively infectious

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BNO News: Deaths remain >1000 per week for the 6th week in a row.

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JP Weiland, 9/27: Transmission rates cratering after a high summer surge

590,000 new infections/day; 1 in every 57 people currently infected

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Progress on nasal vaccines:

Two doses of a Covid nasal vaccine spray led to >50-fold increase in spike-specific secretory IgA antibodies against 10 strains of #SARSCoV2, indicative of potent mucosal immunity evidence of blocking infections among health care workers who were assessed after exposure

"At least 86.2% participants who completed 2 [nasal vaccine] doses maintained uninfected status, likely without even asymptomatic infection, for at least 3 months."

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On Covid reinfections adn Long Covid: It's not just a cold!

“It can be problematic if you are reinfected,” Dr. Rouhbakhsh said. “We know from a pretty elegant study that was recently published in Nature Medicine that each subsequent COVID infection will increase your risk of developing chronic health issues like diabetes, kidney disease, organ failure and even mental health problems.”

Such evidence “dispels the myth that repeated brushes with the virus are mild and you don’t have to worry about it,” he added, noting that “it is akin to playing Russian roulette.”

That is why “you want to try to avoid reinfection if possible. ​"

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“Those who had 2 COVID infections were 2.14 times more likely, and those who had 3 or more COVID infections were 3.75 times more likely to report Long COVID than those with one infection.”

reinfections were associated with increased likelihood of severe fatigue, post-exertional malaise, decreased physical function, poorer immune health, symptom exacerbation before menstruation, and multiple other Long COVID symptoms. While vaccinations and boosters prior to infection are associated with lower likelihood of Long COVID, reinfections diminish their protective effect.

From the Patient-Led Research Collaborative,

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and in a VA Study: each additional COVID infection increased the cumulative risk and burden of new chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, etc.), Long COVID and death

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Memory Loss following mild Covid:

With mild infection in healthy participants who received a #SARSCoV2 challenge there was evidence of persistent cognitive and memory changes at least one year after Covid, compared with uninfected controls - via Eric Topol

[This challenge study strikes me (and did at the time) as highly unethical].

Mike Hoerger has criticisms of the study's interpretation here.

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The brain injury 1 year post-Covid hospitalization, systematically assessed with MRI (reduced grey matter), biomarkers, and cognitive deficits "equivalent in magnitude to aging from 50 to 70 years of age." Findings in 351 cases and 2,297 matched controls point to immune-mediated basis

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Pediatric Covid:

Covid-related hospitalization rates among infants aged <6 months remain higher than those among any other age group except adults aged ≥75 years and were comparable to hospitalization rates in adults aged 65–74 years. Of 1000 infants, 22% were admitted to an intensive care unit, and nine died. Maternal vaccination during pregnancy has been shown to be safe and effective in protecting young infants too young to receive vax (through transplacental transfer of antibodies).

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On Immunity...

Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity
An important study by F. Eun-Hyung Lee's team shows that long lived plasma cells (the source of long-term circulating antibodies) fail to establish after mRNA vaccination (even combined with SARS-CoV-2 infection
The longevity of antibody-mediated protection against infectious diseases rely on whether or not the vaccines can establish long lived plasma cells (LLPC) in the bone marrow. They are the source of circulating antibodies for years to decades. (2/)
The study by Nguyen et al examined the long lived and short lived plasma cells in the bone marrow in people who received COVID mRNA vaccines, tetanus and flu vaccines at various time points . They found no LLPC (PopD) specific to COVID but found PopD against tetanus and flu. (3/)
This lack of LLPC against the spike protein is also true for IgA-secreting plasma cells. IgA is an isotype of antibody that can be transported across the mucosal epithelial cells. Plasma cells secreting IgA may be present in the respiratory tract esp after infection (not tested here).
Can infection boost spike-specific LLPC in the bone marrow? The answer appears to be no. Vaccinated people who also had infection still made very little LLPC against spike. (5/)

In summary, this study shows that for some reason, vaccination against Spike with mRNA vaccine (even combined with infection) fails to establish long lived plasma cells that provide IgG against the virus long term. (6/)...

But we can do better....For example, nasal boosters given every few months may be able to maintain protective IgA in the nose and throat. Self-administration can make this easier. We need out of the box thinking to combat respiratory viruses like COVID and to prevent infection, transmission & #longCOVID

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Further discussion in thread by Edward Nirenberg:

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Covid Viral shedding:

Actively reproducing SARS-CoV-2 can persist in the body for up to 60 days. Most participants shed the virus within 3 weeks, but some participants continued shedding up to 60 days.
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On Back to Office:

As @JohnQuiggin writes, the biggest reason to force us back to the office is to get a bunch of us to quit:

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"A recent Stanford study found that remote or hybrid workers are just as productive, more content, and less likely to quit. A review of evidence in The Economist concurs. When remote work hurts productivity, it’s because companies don’t give their employees the resources they need, and in some cases they put obstacles in their way. They want it to fail.

Many news outlets finally came clean last year and reported that a big chunk of companies might simply be using office return mandates as an excuse to lay off employees and “restructure” their workforce.

So, what's really going on?

It’s about real estate.

There's an office real estate apocalypse unfolding. Corporate landlords currently hold $1.2 trillion in loans on office towers all over the country. In some cases, these are the same jerks who've been buying up all the houses and driving up prices on residential real estate, too. When the pandemic hit, these landlords did something even dumber. As The Financial Times states, they took advantage of “nearly free money” from the Federal Reserve to buy up “trophy office buildings.” Now that everyone is embracing remote work, they can’t lease that office space to anyone. They have a bunch of zombie office towers. They can’t do anything with them...

Anywhere from 12 to 20 percent of office space remains vacant. It’s worse than the 2008 recession...."

Jessica Wildfire:

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Avian Flu:

According to the CDC #H5N1 update, Missouri has identified four additional health care workers who later developed mild respiratory symptoms after caring for a patient with bird flu. These workers were not tested. According to CDC “…were not tested by PCR for respiratory infections. PCR testing would have been unreliable at the time of discovery of these individuals' prior symptoms.”
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At least one household member and six healthcare workers who encountered the index case-patient are being investigated after showing symptoms of viral infection.


The spread of #mpox in the #DRC is alarming, especially with cases now in #Kinshasa, a city of 17M. - If the outbreak escalates, the impact could be devastating. - Both clades Ia and Ib have been detected, complicating response efforts. - Kinshasa’s status as a major hub with intl. flights raises concerns of wider spread.

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Marburg Virus:

The #Marburg outbreak in #Rwanda is concerning 1.I believe this is the first time Marburg has been reported in the country. 2.Unconfirmed cases and deaths in Kigali (pop. 1.2M), with international flights, raise concerns about spread. 3.Cases in multiple hospitals suggest onward transmission. 4.Reports of health worker deaths show an urgent need for better protection and control. Swift action is needed to ramp up surveillance, community engagement, testing, and preventive measures.

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9/28: Update on 1st #Marburg outbreak in #Rwanda: - 26 cases, 6 deaths—likely undetected for a while. - First-ever reported cases in Rwanda. - Cases centered in/around #Kigali (pop. 1.2M), raising spread concerns due to intl. flights. - Reported Health worker deaths highlight urgent need for better protection. - No approved treatments or vaccines yet, but mAbs & vaccines in development.

More at

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Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world first

She is the first person with type 1 diabetes to receive this kind of transplant.

Nature  By Smriti Mallapaty  26 September 2024

A 25-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes started producing her own insulin less than three months after receiving a transplant of reprogrammed stem cells1. She is the first person with the disease to be treated using cells that were extracted from her own body.

It has been more than a year since the transplant, and, she says, “I enjoy eating everything."

“They’ve completely reversed diabetes in the patient, who was requiring substantial amounts of insulin beforehand.”

also First person to receive her own stem cells, reprogrammed with transcription factors, to reverse it! @CellCellPress


Starting Mon 9/23/2024, all US households can order 4 free #COVID19 home rapid tests from If you have expired tests at home, you can check here to see if the exp dates have been extended:

Drugs and Vaccines:

"The Novavax vaccine has this unique adjuvant, a chemical that actually enhances the immune response to the vaccine... It may be the ideal vaccine to get to boost your previous immunity from prior infection or previous mRNA vaccine. Personally, that's the vaccine for me." - Michael Osterholm, CIDRAP

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potential advantages to using a vaccine with an adjuvant? Durability, for one.

Finally, the (Novavax) vaccine trials showed good durability (>75% at 6-months from Delta period in vaccine trial using original strain vaccine). And population based studies suggest good long-term durability with NVX
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In 2020, the original Novavax formulation was able to protect against upper and lower respiratory tract infection in animals. Since then, more evidence has emerged supporting this finding. In human trials, Moderna reduced nasal viral load by 100x. Novavax decreased it by 600x.


Epidemiology/Infection control:

A study in two Ontario hospitals found 71% of floor swabs tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. A 10-fold increase in viral load raised outbreak risk 22-fold. Floor sampling could help predict COVID-19 outbreaks and improve infection control.

Tips, general reading for public:




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Free COVID Safety for Schools Course


Covid: Fr RECOVER TLC meeting at NIH

6.4% national prevalence. FY21 NIH map shows rural access is low with clinical trials where LC hits hardest. Ever/current LC is higher in non metro. Rates are up to 7.7% and 4.1% respectively in 2022 CDC data. Low socioeconomic groups may not have access to healthcare Comments on the growing prevalence in various groups, especially immigrants and healthcare access who are suffering with LC

Patient response to meeting: JD Davids on why not at #RECOVERTLC in person - "People are not universally masking in the room and that is a microaggression against people with Long Covid."

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Suit against Nassau County mask ban was dismissed: Judge Azrack ruled that the plaintiffs failed to show they have legal standing to sue since the law since has exemptions for people who wear masks for health reasons.

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UK:  @Nat_E_Pearson

"We insist that you return to school and infect the other students."

Two attendance officers have visited my 14 year old family member on day 3 off school with a + COVID test A grade student. Never normally absent. How does any of this put children first Bridget?
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Trump “looking at” banning or restricting contraception NATIONALLY Republicans in Congress REFUSED to pass laws protecting access to contraception Your freedoms to use the Pill, Plan B, IUDs, and condoms are ALL on the ballot on November 5

Florida: State now mandating local school districts use abstinence-based sex ed: “they may not teach teenagers about contraception, show them pictures depicting human reproductive anatomy or discuss topics such as sexual consent and domestic violence.”

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AG Ken Paxton asks the Supreme Court to allow Texas to continue to refuse emergency medical care to pregnant women.
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University of Michigan is putting voting info w QR code and early voting details on coffee sleeves

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FYI, If you haven't voted in the last two elections, or if you moved from one NC city to another NC city, they've purged you. MAKE SURE YOU ARE REGISTERED!

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These corporations are spending huge amounts to elect right-wing gubernatorial candidates like Mark Robinson.

DoorDash: $625k Google: $585k Walmart: $570k CVS: $550k Microsoft: $550k Travelers Ins: $460k Amazon: $450k Deloitte: $400k Charter: $385k Oracle: $325k Pfizer: $300k

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Asthma inhalers cost $7 in France but $500 in the United States. Lina Khan, Chair of the FTC, sued drug manufacturers for price manipulation and now they're $35.

Project 2025 calls for the dismantling of the Federal Trade Commission. They even have a 13-page chapter on it written by Adam Candeub, a high-ranking Trump appointee. People like Lina Kahn will be replaced by a Trump loyalist.

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New reporting from @insideclimate: An Alabama town has criminally charged more than 180 people over unpaid garbage bills. Black moms and those facing disabilities are among the hardest hit by the policy. Take a moment to meet some of those impacted.
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Desantis has turned down over $11 billion in infrastructure funds, which would have gone a long way to update drainage issues, as well as rejecting flood insurance regulations. But he'll take that free emergency money!
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Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen (R) just announced he WON'T call a special legislative session to change how the state allocates its electoral votes — dashing the hopes of Trump and Republicans that a switch could happen before November to tilt the Electoral College in his favor.

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New York:

Eric Adams stole TEN MILLION DOLLARS from New York City public funds while the cops he installed to harass subway riders shot four people over a $3 fare.

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In exchange for bribes from Turkey, Eric Adams allowed a building that wouldn’t pass fire code to open.

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North Carolina:

Mark Robinson and his wife getting caught by the NC Department of Health and Human Services forging their own criminal background checks and official state early childhood credentials is not getting the attention it deserves.

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The Republican Party here is using its supermajority (received by just ONE vote when State Rep

defected to the GOP after running as a Democrat) to forcefully give 463 million dollars to private school vouchers and nothing to public school teachers. THIS is why the coming election is so important! We MUST defeat them up and down the ballot so that they are no longer about to push Donald Trump's Project 2025 through.

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North Carolina removes 747,000 from voter rolls, citing ineligibility   Check your registration!

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on a day when the state was hit with some of the hardest flooding in recent history, the republicans in North Carolina chose to focus on blocking access for students on UNC’s campus to use their digital student IDs as valid voter IDs.

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A Bala Cynwyd voter got a detailed letter this week from the made-up Pennsylvania Congressional Office of Immigration Affairs notifying her that her household had been selected to house five migrant refugees.No office exists, nor does such a government-mandated housing program, ...(being blamed on Biden/Harris).

‘Congratulations’ the fake letter reads, ‘you have been selected as a Wayward Steward exchange home for homeless immigrants and victims of foreign wars.’

Philly Inquirer. Full letter:

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Texas officials acknowledged some errors after they stripped Medicaid coverage from more than 2 million people, most of them children. A

@propublicaand Texas Tribune review of records shows that these mistakes and others were preventable.
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Elon Musk's Starlink Is in Russian Drones Killing U.S. Allies and Is in "Systemic" Use By Russian Infantry (despite his denials):

Feel good du jour:

Get a wiggle on… Restoring meanders to previously straightened rivers can lead to extraordinary results. “Within 3 months of that river being re-wiggled the salmon were spawning in that 1 kilometre stretch for the first time in 150 years”. Astonishing.

Comic relief:

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Bits of beauty:


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